Monday, September 24, 2018

Our Consciousness Hologram ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We are a portion of your consciousness, and you are a portion of ours. Many of you already know that you are partaking in a holographic universe, and we are also partaking in this holographic universe, so the consciousness of all beings within this universe is also a part of that hologram. 
When you think that something belongs to you and only you, realize that you are a part of a holographic universe. When you think about territories, lands, nations, and even planets and systems, recognize that this is a holographic universe.
You know that you are unique and that you will always be unique, but you also know that you are a part of something much bigger. Source is also one gigantic hologram. We certainly are all in this together. 
No matter what it might look like, your enemy is your friend. The one that you think of as trying to get you, or bring you down, is your ally. You are playing these games with each other for the purpose of taking this gigantic hologram further.
And it is a very special journey that we are all on together, where the big outcomes are all predetermined. We will all be ascending. Source will be expanding, and everything must get better. Remember that this holographic universe is more than just a theory. It is fact. We are all parts of the same whole, and the whole is in each and every one of its parts. Remember that the next time someone cuts you off in traffic.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday, September 21, 2018


I wonder what these so-called events really are. There was the event in March 2018 around springtime. Now we have another event coming in October. I'm not sure whether to chalk it up as "New Age Millenarianism" or just hopeful people wishing something, anything "big" would happen.

Aliens landing? Humans gaining more power on a grand scale? Widespread telekinesis, astral projection, Spanning, Telepathy?

People already have all of these powers now. Do we all need them? Are we all ready for them? Not hardly. Very few of us could handle that power and not run amok. Ask yourself: What would you do if you had the power to...? What would you use it for? Your own aggrandizement? Service to Others?

I remember before I awakened into consciousness in 2006. All of my family and so-called friends would use their power to read me and take advantage of me. I had a built in fail-safe though; I was able to block them out of my mind. I also had incredible instincts and I always listened to my instincts.

These "events" are of our own making. Some channeler, or psychic saw something special happening in their lives and possibly for the planet, large numbers of being, and maybe even the entire time matrix. I just don't want people to be disappointed if it is not some lofty, spectacular event. The event will be what you make it and what you need. Remember that.