Thursday, January 3, 2019


This is Ani Ausar with an Angelic Message for the New Year 2019.

There are many dimensional timelines available to those who have ascended. And the timelines sometimes appear as simple life choices. There are various options that you could take: from choosing a salad over a bacon cheeseburger; loving your spouse or cheating and running the streets; taking money that does not belong to you, or being honest. We judge others and we should be judging ourselves to ensure that we are on our Heroic Path. We are at the crossroads and the time is now to start being aware of the illusions.

Separation is an illusion. Think about your worst day. Not a major tragedy but just a day when your breakfast got cold, your car wouldn’t start, or the entire world just seems to get on your nerves. Now imagine someone who goes through things like that EVERY DAY!!! They arrive at life early in the morning with a nasty attitude almost every day. As Angelic Humans, we must transcend this nastiness and be angelic to those who are struggling. They are energy depleted and need your help. They need you to give them loving energy so they can ascend…AND SO YOU CAN ASCEND!! Remember that separation is only an illusion. If you hurt me, then you hurt yourself!

Be sure to study your environment as well. Watch the sky every day. Observe the cloud patterns. Use Star Gazing Apps. Check out what animals are in your presence. Animals in your presence mean something.  I recommend Animal Speak by Ted Andrews. This book gives a detailed description what animals mean to you when you see them, dream about them, or think about them. It’s a positive sign if animals are coming into your yard and/or getting closer to you.

Always, remember that none of this is real. Everything is an illusion. As we ascend, we are receiving more power to change the world around us. Our collective thought constructs are the key. We all must be on the divine path to enact widespread changes.

Peace and Blessings,

Ani the Scribe

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