Wednesday, January 17, 2018


This is Waba Tec of the Eleutherian Council bringing a message of peace and blessings through our conduit Ani the Scribe

Please be at oneness with each other throughout this month. There will be many challenges ahead in the next two weeks and them boom. Peace and Bliss. We cannot say exactly how that will manifest in your life as you are now co-creators. Whatever you create within the boundaries of your power and light will be manifest. Will it be a new car or a new house? Other material objects? At this time, it is hard to say how materials objects will manifest for humanity since so much of it (the need for the materialistic world) is run amok. Perhaps you need a new car to get back and forth to work. Think about what car that will be. Something within your budget. Something good for your family and the environment. If it does not fit what is in your path, you will not receive it. This message is more for Ani than all of of you. However, some of you need to hear it as well.

Be sure to include your family in whatever decision you choose to make as far as money and finance goes. The system of money is coming to an end. You just have to know that this is true. If you have plenty of money and this worries you, don't worry. No one is coming to take your money. You simply will just have no use for it. Will you just let it sit in a 3D bank? Will you use it to help those in 3D? Will you just give it away? Once you can manifest what you need at will, you will be faced with a pleasant problem of what to do with the 3D money you need longer need or desire.

A message from Minge Tec of The Eleutherian Council, Protector of Ani, Guardian to Ani the Scribe.

Greetings and salutations,

Earthers and Tarans

Congratulations! You have won the game. If you are hearing or reading this, you have reached the 5D threshold or you are well ensconced in the 5D astral plane. You are well into the transition to the next level up. How you say is that possible? The dimensional locks of ARPS have shifted and allowed you into the Soul Matrix identify level and you have access to dimensions 4-6. You exist in 5D and have a good view of dimensions 7-9 as you are now tuned into the Gaian frequencies. This shift has done even more for you. You now have awareness of your higher dimensional self. Awareness is access! Tap into your Rishi, your Oversoul, Your Avatar and picture yourselves as pillars of light. Imagine one of those space POV pictures of earth and envision your Rishi light body glowing in white, liquid light and standing over the Earth. Grounding a beam of light all the way down through Aramatena, through the surface of Gaia, and connecting to Tara. Coming through the top of your head via the Crown Chakra and lighting up your body in the colors of the Chakra system. Activating your Merkaba. Picture yourself sitting in a triangular pyramid and then picture another one inversely congruent with the point facing down. (Picture below)

Spin your energy at the following rate. 33 1/3 Clockwise in the top triangular pyramid to 11 2/3 Counter Clockwise on the bottom pyramid. End of Lesson.

Peace and Blessings,

Ani the Scribe
Waba Tec of Orion
Minge Tec of Pleiades


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