Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Letting it All Go!

Image result for dropping a pen

One of my favorite shows is the Big Bang Theory. There was an episode when a character was trying to release some acrimony toward his girlfriend and he was having trouble with it. It was suggested that he imagine he was holding a pen...and then let drop to the floor. He struggled with the concept as he became attached to the imaginary pen.

It's the same way in real life. We hold onto whatever is ailing us and then eventually it becomes toxic and cancerous. I had three family members die of cancer in 2017 and one characteristic they all had was the ability to hold a grudge like no other. My sister, rest her soul, would bring up stuff I did when I was a child as a reason for some reaction years later!

We must learn to let go the traumas, deceptions, and slights we have endured in the past before it becomes cancerous and affects our physical body and our light body. Focus your energy on letting that person be who they are. Ask yourself: "Why I am allowing this person to have so much power over who I am? Does it really matter that much? Is it worth me becoming sick over this? Why I am holding someone to expectations?"

True love is unconditional. EXPECTATIONS ARE CONDITIONS!

Peace and Blessings,

Ani the Scribe

1 comment:

  1. True love is unconditional. One very important person in my life has taught me this....In fact, the things that impact us the most are typically the areas that we need to work on.

    Peace and Blessings!
