Friday, February 16, 2018


From February 1, 2018

There still seems to be a lot of people confused as to how ascension works. When you tell them about  ascending, they are looking for evidence and proof that it is "real". They can't seem to grasp that there is something else better waiting for them. No matter how much proof you provide they continue to rebuke, and doubt, and attack.

Also, there are many "plants" on Facebook. It's almost a waste of time to be on there and communicate with people. There are trolls that will just go to far lengths to try to discredit and impugn your character.

I have joined several large FB groups that are supposed to be spiritual in nature. So far they are not really so much. They are either downright disrespectful and mean to people. Or very choosy with what passes as acceptable to the masses. One group only gets mass responses to questions like "Have you started having less sex since you became more spiritual?" or "Would you give a second chance to someone that hurt you?". One that was so popular they had to shut it down was "Post your picture and I will do a reading". I stayed in one group for a day as I learned the admin was a troll. He only wanted members to post 1-2 times a week and he wanted to be the only one to respond to posts! I should have been suspicious when I saw his the only name posting anything. How did that group grow to 40,000 members!

This experiment is coming to an end soon!

UPDATE!!! February 16, 2018

The social media FB group experiment has ended. I am not joining any other FB groups unless I personally know the people there. The only groups I am active in currently are the Keylontic Science groups started by Chris Comstock.

Sorry Facebook Groups! Get your light quotient up!

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