Sunday, April 29, 2018

Kristiac Is As Kristiac Does: From Alignment in Spirit Website

By my Beloved Friend Rose Tobin whose beautiful Spirit is a true expression of Kristiac is as Kristiac does. You can replace the Annu and Drak terms with any term you want: Modern European, The Colonist, Black, Negro, Hispanic, White, FataLEE.....
“This is from a post I wrote years ago on the old KS egroup, at least 10 if not 12 years ago. I came across it just now while looking for something else in my files.
It ties in with some of my thoughts on current discussions here. What is interesting is that although some of the names have changed, e.g. Drak and Annunaki while we now have FATalE etc., the dynamics are very similar!
Shared here for anyone who might find it helpful.

Kristiac is As Kristiac Does:

While thinking this morning about the discussions here about race lines etc. the line ‘Kristiac is as Kristiac does’ came into my mind.
Yes, we need to have some understanding of history, race lines and agendas. But for me, the key word here is ‘some’. Knowledge of history is ideally a means to learn from the past, to see what kind of action or attitude led to what kind of consequence.
In our personal lives, for example, hindsight can be a great teacher but only if we are also willing to acknowledge that every moment holds the potential to access our own intrinsic Source-given power. If we get bogged down in our personal history to the degree that a lot of our consciousness, our energy, is stuck in the past, then the lenses with which we perceive our present moment get so muddied that we can’t see what is in front of us or notice its potential.
If someone hurt or rejected or betrayed us in the past, but has since then has done their best to act with more love and integrity, we have the choice of whether to lock that person in the past (in terms of our interaction with them) by refusing to see how they have changed and even learnt from their past actions. Or we can choose the attitude that, just as we, hopefully, have grown and learnt from our mistakes, maybe they have too.
We can still be shrewd; we don’t have to be naïve or gormless. Think, for example, of someone who knew you when you were an angry or reckless teenager; you meet them when you are in your fifties and have learnt and changed so much. Yet they insist on seeing you through that lens of what you were back then, and treating you accordingly. And because of that, you may even start acting in that old way again.
Life is not static. We rarely stand still in terms of our development; every choice we make either brings grace and love, or the opposite, and each choice affects the next choice. I’ve heard one teacher say: you can either get bitter or better.

Personal responsibility

One of the core principles of KS, or any personal development system worth its salt, is that as people evolve in a genuine way, they realise more and more that they are co-creators of their reality. They are not at the mercy of random forces. They have an input into every aspect of the world they see around them. This means, for example, that if we see war breaking out or mass deception in the financial world, these are not just happening ‘out there’ or to us. Each of us is part of the hologram we share. Each of us contributes to this hologram with every thought and choice.
On the surface level, I can’t prevent a war or a deceptive agenda, but what I can legitimately do is look at my own piece of the puzzle. If I am seeing these events, I could not see them unless there was a trace or encryption of that behavior or attitude in me. This is more than semantics. It is acknowledging that each of us contributes to the ‘cosmic soup’ in which we find ourselves. What ingredients am I putting in? I have no right to try to change anyone else’s ingredients; everyone has their own life path and lessons. But I have the absolute right, and indeed a compelling responsibility, to be aware of and accountable for what I contribute.
For example, if I see theft of some kind, or even if I become what appears on the outside as a victim of theft, I could say that I’d never steal like that. And that is probably true in my current life. But do I steal in other ways, for example, do I steal someone’s good name by passing on gossip or negative/distorted interpretations of their behavior? Do I try to steal someone else’s energy by manipulation, by demanding attention or for things to be done my way?
If there is an unhealthy behavior or an agenda ‘out there’, my best contribution is to see where a trace or encryption or taste of that is in me. If someone deceives me, where am I deceptive or where am I deceivable? If I address my piece of the puzzle, I am lessening the intensity of that unhealthy energy in the whole as well, while not interfering with any else’s free will. This can all be done while dealing shrewdly and even assertively, if necessary, with the situation on the ground.

Names and labels

Especially from what has happened within our community over the last several years, I have become less and less concerned about the label someone carries, whether Annu or Drak or Kristiac or whatever. For one thing, as Melissa wrote so well, we are all a mixture at this stage. In the space of an hour I can find myself having a mixture of Annunaki moments (arrogance or manipulation), Drak moments (pushy or aggressive) and Kristiac moments (loving and congruent). It is very salutary to observe our own thoughts from this perspective.
I don’t feel that any of us has the right to judge others under these banners. We can be shrewd and discerning at the same time as we are looking at the world around us, and people in it, through the eyes of the Krist. These eyes honor the Kristiac laws of Cause and Effect, the foundations of the Attitudes and Responsibilities, as well as the intrinsic sacredness of all life. Yes, there may be fallen angelics, but every time I renege on my own personal integrity, I am acting in a fallen way.
Seeing FAs as just ‘out there’ is a minefield. Often the term ‘FA’ has the undercurrent meaning of ‘those who don’t agree with us’. We’ve seen this in our own KS family, with each side at times accusing the other of being fallen.
In her excellent book on her experience with her mother’s church, Erin Prophet, daughter of Elizabeth Clare Prophet, wrote of her mother’s habit of labelling anyone who challenged her or didn’t agree with her as fallen angels (and she used that term ). If they didn’t go along with her, they were ‘working on behalf of planetary evil forces’. Revealingly, too, Erin wrote that ‘We believed that our very presence on earth was holding the planet together’.
Like perhaps a lot people here, I used to be impressed with the idea of being part of a Kristiac race (hopefully!), having a contract to ‘save the planet’, special codes, what have you.
Now, for me, it is Kristiac is as Kristiac does. It is about taking personal responsibility, being wise and discerning, being willing to see the worthy and divine in everyone without being naïve. When I hear now of ‘big contracts’ or special race lines, in a tone which emphasises the bigness or the specialness, in my mind I sing along with Shania Twain: ‘that don’t impress me much’.

Dignity and worth

It is also true, however, that each of us does have a big contract but it is not on the surface, outer level of labels or importance. Every single choice, every thought, everytime we shift from a life-destroying to a life-supporting direction, it ripples out through our cosmic pond in ways we can hardly imagine.
If I were Source, I would be far more impressed with a so-called (by others) FA making a genuine commitment to Kristiac principles than by self-professed Kristiacs who hide under that banner while neglecting to look at their own miasms and energetic make-up.
To finish with a story I read in a religious book. Let’s not get distracted by the fact that it is expressed in Christian terminology. That was the terminology available to many wise souls who did not have KS-type language. In the story, the writer is discussing the very human tendency to see ourselves as the chosen ones and that there is only one ‘true’ path (which by amazing coincidence happens to be the very path we happen to be on!).
He describes a queue of people at the Pearly Gates waiting to get into heaven. The ‘righteous’ ones are at the top, bristling with complacency, certain that they will be first in. The ‘sinners’ are at the bottom of the queue, not sure if they’ll get in but they still have some faith in a loving God. They know they are not perfect but they also know, somehow, that God is love. They know they are not in a position to judge anyone. They’d be willing to give someone else a break, the benefit of the doubt, and hope that God might do the same.
When ‘God’ comes out to see who to let into heaven, he decrees that they are all forgiven and can all come in. At that moment, the righteous protest loudly and rebelliously; ‘he’s going to forgive THEM too? We’re not going in with them’ And at that moment, they are sent away again, and the ‘sinners’ are welcomed in.

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